The Faerie Queene: Spenser’s Monumental Folly

A Noble Attempt at Epic Poetry Edmund Spenser's The Faerie Queene is often hailed as a masterpiece of English literature, a colossal achievement in epic poetry. Yet, it is also a work that, like an overstuffed burrito, contains more than one can digest in a single sitting. Spenser's ambitious narrative attempts to blend allegory, chivalric … Continue reading The Faerie Queene: Spenser’s Monumental Folly

The Spider and the Fly by Mary Howitt

Not exactly leading the canon of poetry but this cute little ditty has a profound message, a message I personally should have heeded a few times over the course of my adult life; but sadly didn't. I'm not and never have been a vain person, however, when we meet those insidious flatterers in life, it … Continue reading The Spider and the Fly by Mary Howitt